Find the saints and the days when eating fasting.
Cel mai complex calendar crestin ortodox pentru anul 2017, 2018 acum si pentru 2019. S-au adaugat si lunile din anul 2019 si pana in 31 decembrie veti avea calendarul pe ambii ani. dupa care lunile din 2018 vor fi sterse.In aceasta aplicatie gasiti informatii despre sarbatori, sfinti sau zile onomastice. Fiecare zi in parte are descrieri si detalii astfel incat gasiti predici, pilde, informatii pretioase despre ziua respectiva sau obiceiuri si traditii.Am adaugat posibilitatea, daca este nevoie, de a mari sau micsora caracterele in paginile deschise.Momentan aplicatia este gratuita asa ca profitati acum si instalati-o.The most complex Orthodox Christian calendar for 2017, 2018 now and 2019. Added months from 2019 and by December 31 you will have the calendar for both years. after which the months of 2018 will be erased.In this application you will find information about holidays, saints or birthdays. Each day has descriptions and details so you can find sermons, parables, precious information about the day or customs and traditions.We added the ability, if necessary, to enlarge or shrink the characters in the open pages.At the moment the application is free so take advantage now and install it.Updatat pentru a fi in linie cu noile cerinte.